Throwing a tennis ball over the head ( standing position, the ball is thrown over the head not far behind the back, at the first bounce we turn around and try to catch it before it falls the second time)
Dropping two balls forehand/catching underhand ( standing position, hold a ball in our each hand extend our arms at shoulder height with palms facing down. At the same time, we drop the balls and try to catch them with our palms facing upwards)
Throwing two balls from both hands against the wall (we stand in front of the wall at a distance of the length of our body, we hold the balls in our hands with the palms facing the wall. We throw the balls at the same time so that they bounce off the wall and return to us, react as soon as possible and catch the balls individually)
Plank passing the ball (we are supported by our toes and one palm on the floor, while in the other hand we hold the ball, then we throw the ball up, high enough to be able to switch hands as a support and catch the ball with the opposite hand)
Stick burpee (when we are standing, we place the stick upright next to us, holding it by the very top end in balance, then let go of the stick so that we lie on our stomach as soon as possible and then stand up before the stick loses its balance and falls)
Split lunge hold&jump kick (step back with one leg, lower the knee almost to the ground and hold that position. Then, from that position, we jump in place, and in flight we raise the rear leg and the knee at hip height, making an imagined knee strike, while the opposite leg goes backwards. When we finish the jump, we return our legs, and wait on the floor in the starting position)
Plank on knee&clap (with straightened arms and resting palms and knees on the floor, we descend into a half push-up in order to gain inertia and momentum to push the palms off the floor, so that we can make one clap with our hands, and then land on the palms and return to the seal position)
Wall speed switch (stand in front of the wall, lean on the wall with outstretched arms and step back with your feet, so that you form a 45-degree angle in your body. We raise one leg, bent at the knee and hip at 90 degrees, then we quickly change legs and return as quickly as possible to the starting position)
Skip&botle direction (standing position, we perform a low skip on the toes and in the width of the shoulders, between the legs we spin the bottle in a circle. The very top of the bottle starts the direction in which we should run, when the bottle stops, we should run two meters from the low skip and touch the floor, and then return to the starting position in the skip)
Wall juggle (we stand in front of the wall at a distance of the length of our body, we hold the balls in our hands with the palm facing the wall. From one hand, we alternately throw the balls against the wall, which fall once on the floor, and then we catch them as well we repeat the action in a circle)
Start reaction times (standing position with closed eyes, in one hand we hold an object that has a sound and will serve as a signal for us to start. We throw the chosen object a little away from us, when we hear the signal we react as soon as possible by starting to sprint 2.3m, return to the starting position and repeat the action)
Glute bridge switch (We lie on our backs, bend our knees and place our feet on the floor, put our hands next to the body, lift the pelvis up, using the muscles of the buttocks, so that the body forms a straight line from the knee to the shoulder, lift one leg at 90 degrees in the hip and knee joint then we make a quick change of legs and return as quickly as possible to the starting position)-